A Travel Dashboard is a single place that brings together planning documents, links to [[Adventure Maps]] and [[Adventure Files]], and other information that helps you plan your trips and look back on previous ones (such as [[Trip dashboard|Trip dashboards]]).
# Sample dashboard items
Our travel dashboard contains:
- Trip Calendar ([my custom Notion travel management system](https://rscottjones.com/how-i-plan-trips-using-notion/))
- [[Trip dashboard|Trip dashboards]] (these are now automatically archived in our above system)
- Travel budget
- Travel costs
- Vacation time planning
- List of [[What is a quest?|quest]] objectives and travel goals still left to complete
- List of [[People to visit database|people to visit]] during trips
- Group trips that we are organizing (also integrated into our above Notion system)
- Future trip plans (preplanned trip itineraries; these are now part of our above Notion system)
- [[Life Block Planning]]
- Travel lessons that we've learned along the way that we want to keep in mind
- [[Adventure Maps]] that keep track of places we want to visit
- [[Adventure Files]] that are reference items and guides for the adventure map locations
- [[Personal search engine]] that googles only the travel websites of my friends
- Camping log (we also log gravesites and breweries we visit)
- Campsite scouting database
- Travel reference docs
- Travel account numbers/logins
- Travel insurance information
- Legal travel docs (passport, global entry, etc)
- International visa info
- Permits
- Immunizations (sometimes needed for overseas travel)
Not all of these may be appropriate for your own life, and you may have other items you'd like to have on the list, too. The main purpose here is simply to bring together all the information you need to manage your travel.
Here's what mine looks like in Notion:
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